Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Open Discussion for Young Men


Our small men’s fellowship will be widening the sc of our online dialogue once a month to all men who would like to join in our little corner of Mormonism. The intent of having these discussions is in much a response to the spiritual and cultural erasure undermining western civilization. We wish to preserve our values, our religion, and our way of life but understand that the only way we can do this is via the family unit- by becoming strong God-fearing men, loving husbands, and good fathers in which children can be raised to honor the Lord. So we invite all young men in the movement who share that conviction to join us.

We are Mormons and so we value all truth, however, the scope of these discussions will be centered much around topics of courtship, marriage, and fatherhood. In our polarized swing out of organized religion we have had the tendency to glorify foreign eastern cultural and spiritual philosophies while disregarding many of the great values, institutions, and traditions of the heritage we stand upon. We don’t reject other cultural traditions in our search for truth but a crucial element to preserving our way of life is to understand our own cultural identity and the role we play in Christ’s gospel. We will be bringing figures such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, as well as Plotinus, the church fathers, C.S. Lewis and Tolkien, and many of the influential minds of western canon into dialogue with Joseph Smith, Denver, and the prophets of the book of Mormon. To encourage intergenerational dialogue we will also be inviting successful older married men to each our meetings to weigh in on our discussions.

For March 10th we will begin Sacrament around 7:10AM PST(8:10AMST) and have our presentation and discussion from 7:20-9:00 PST(8:20-10MST). We will discuss what agape (charity) is and how it differs from other forms of love. We will have a brief history lesson into how western civilization has lost touch with agape and how in its effort to find divine love has instead opted for its adulterated imitation of romanticism, the 18th century movement and philosophy. We will discuss the fruits of charity vs the destructive ends of romanticism, both on the scale of our individual mental well being and the societal health of humanity. We will trace how romanticism was a plague during Joseph Smith and the restoration and how it is still skewing our modern perception of dating, marriage, and God’s relationship with us. We will discuss all this in the hopeful attempt that we can better orient ourselves, to avoid the pitfalls of romantic projections and religious delusions, in midst of this cultural war and ongoing new wave of spiritual enlightenment (or maybe counter-enlightenment) in our little corner of Mormonism.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Fractured Fellowships

My Brothers in Christ and I are creating a men's fellowship.  The need for such seems pertinent given the rapid decline in society's culture and values.  Weak men very much give way to hard times.  We hope, through our fellowship as men in our various walks of life, to reverse the two original sins of Adam in his response (or lack of) to evil. 
1. Moral cowardice, Adam who was with her, (Gen 3:6), did nothing in Satan's exploitation of Eve's vulnerability. 
2. Abdicating the burden of responsibility,  The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. (Gen 3:12-19)

I have seen the rise, fracturing, and falling out of many home-church fellowships. We understand that this is a growing process of becoming one heart and will take much dialogue to resolve the problems that will inevitably arise, especially when a bunch of hot-headed, religious, pseudo-intellectual, post-LDS Mormons start to contemplate and act upon the ethical foundations of the meaning of life.  We thought we could at least start by agreeing on some foundational ground rules for discussions to build up from, nipping at conflicts we have seen arise in other fellowships before they gave rise in ours.  I was heavily influenced by the Answer and Covenant and Dr. Jordan Peterson's practical advice.  What follows are concepts from that revelation articulated and expounded upon for our specific fellowship. I hope those reading this find it insightful for the struggles they are experiencing in their efforts to live the covenant.   

Rules of Engagement 

The focus of this men's fellowship is not merely to be a safe place for socialization and support. If all you are looking for in brotherhood is to be around the boys, shoot the bull, and coddle one another’s feelings this is not the group for you. Here we espouse a culture of accountability, discipline, and excellence. This is a fellowship of men wrestling to become disciples of Jesus Christ in word, power, and deed. We strive to embody the characteristics and attributes of our Lord and reflect His image as Christians, fathers, husbands, sons, and servants to God’s children and stewards of His creation. This is an arena where iron sharpens irons, so although we are each individually accountable to God and God alone, we strive to uphold one another to that standard. All men are invited but there are expectations if you are to stay.


"If I Am The Wisest Man Alive, It Is For I Know One Thing, And That Is That I Know Nothing" - Socrates
The list of beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount is given in a specific order for a reason. They are a map to Christ's followers of the upward ascent to Godhood with each consecutive attribute building on the prior. The first and bedrock attribute to attain is  "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven".   This is a call to humility, a keen awareness of one's own ignorance, and therefore, the proper and prerequisite attitude to receive an infinite knowledge of heaven. Being poor in spirit does not imply that it is virtuous to be financially destitute, morally passive, or incompetent in life-even though many religious followers masquerade such insufficiencies as righteous humility. Poor in spirit is not a form of nihilistic Budism that dissolves its pacifists from any accountability to absolute truth in its enlightened state of nominal non-attachment. Poor in spirit is knowing that you know nothing while having the openness to discover everything. 

The opposite of humility is pride. Just as humility does not equal timid passivity, pride is not the traits that woke modernity conflates it with such as confidence, masculinity, assertiveness, conscientiousness, accountability, and excellence. These are virtues we as men must cultivate if we are to preserve our religion. Pride is better understood as the totalitarian presumption that one's worldview, understanding, and behaviors are absolute and beyond critique. The proud are unable to question their axiomatic beliefs and can therefore never see beyond the confines of their own knowledge into the Kingdom of Heaven. Pride is believing you know enough and damning yourself in your assured ignorance. 

In this fellowship, we each seek to maintain an open-minded wonder and humility for the vast expanse of the unknown while maintaining a stable footing in the known - intellectually liberal but ethically conservative - recognizing that what we do not yet know is far more important than what we already know, ever seeking further knowledge but never undermining the Truth we stand upon. We recognize that the biggest hindrance to life abundant is the beam in our own eye and our lack of humility to see it. Pride causes latent inhibition to the sinful habits that animate us from the blind spot of our souls, and so we value and need an honest perspective to shine a light on where our vision is cloudy.  We trust one another to have our backs- we trust in each other's intentions of only the best in one another- so we take no offense because none will ever be intended. We enter into dialogue with the assumption that our brothers in Christ might know something we need to know, creating space and listening to them hard enough so that they will share it with us.

 Active Engagement

 If a member’s activity lapses beyond 3 weeks without reasonable justification they will respectfully asked to fellowship elsewhere. We can still be friends, however, for this group to function as a fellowship, accomplish its goals, and remain on track there needs to be consistency from each man. 

Because we each have family and community responsibilities demanding most of our time, (and if you don't, finding a meaningful way to serve others needs to be your top priority) in-person/online video meetings will remain ordered and productive keeping to a two-hour time limit. The purpose of this group is to make us more Christ-like in fulfilling our familial and community stewardship. If this fellowship is not fulfilling that purpose for you, if it is getting in the way of family responsibilities, you can not waste your precious time here.  

Debate and Disagreements 

Debate and disagreements are encouraged if done in a manner that seeks to bring clarity and light. Truth, the Logos, is made manifest through the Dia-Logos. Philosophy, or Phila- Sophia (love of wisdom), and NOT Phila-Nikia (love of victory) needs to be the aim in any disagreement. Higher wisdom can be unveiled through the dialogue of different perspectives that share the same value. Measure your words before giving voice to them, and consider the hearts of others. Continually being adversarial and intentionally making attacks on one’s character, as opposed to critiquing and refuting their position or idea, will result in the removal from the group. A good way to maintain clarity in any dialogue is to follow Carl Rogers's advice: people involved in disputes should not respond to each other until they [can] fully, fairly, and even sympathetically state the other person's position. 


“Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.” -Socrates

 We live in a social world where were are constantly learning from the follies and insufficiencies of ourselves and those around us. It is important to reflect and learn from the interpersonal drama of our lives, however, such analysis of our friends, families, and colleagues can quickly divulge into gossip. When individuals must be brought up in discussions do not let them become the topic of conversation. Instead, frame the discussion in a way that can critique their behavior/ideology while separating the sinner from the sin. Learn from the drama as opposed to being swept into it. If you lack the verbal finesse to simultaneously speak objectively about an offensive person while not condemning them you still lack the clarity to see them in the light of Christ. First, pray to God and intercede on their behalf (advocate for them in the courtroom of your mind) to develop the ability to see your brother with Charity and to sharpen your sword of the logos as a more refined tool in cutting and separating hurt feelings from priceless wisdom.


Confession, not Complaint

 We all struggle with the hardships of life. Many of us have dealt with or are fighting through addictions, awful vices, and inner demons. There is a place in the Christian life for confessing one-with-another to bear each other's burdens, however, in a culture that glorifies the intersectionality of mental health and the pseudo-Christian response of an affirming cosmic therapist, confession before God often becomes conflated with complaining at God. As a result, we soothe ourselves aimlessly into a dark pity party- fabricating vain solace and false glory in the "New Age" never-ending journey of self-discovery and its endless catechisms of self-help doctrines. To avoid this conflation of confession and complaint, any acknowledgment and disclosure of our shortcomings must be done in the Light of the ideal we are striving to reflect. Confession without an ideal to emulate only leaves us spinning in cycles of confusion. This is why we do not give endless worry to our inner demons (we maintain an awareness of their existence but do not give them focal attention), instead, we pray and formulate a way to rise above them and ascend up the mountain of God to the place where they can not go. In this fellowship, we forget ourselves and focus our attention on the Almighty, praying diligently for the knowledge, wisdom, and grace to become like Him.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Socialist Media

Get off socialist media platforms. Cut out Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, most of its content is mind-numbing nonsense that will degrade your intellect. With the amount of time young people spend on social media, I fear the degree of darkness that will fog the minds of the masses in years to come. It will look like a scene from Huxley's "Brave New World" or Orwell's "1984".
Read good books, get lost in novels, learn a hobby or skill. Spend quality face to face time with your loved ones without the need to photograph and share every moment. Explore the world without having to validate your every adventure to the world. You can be taught many things from countless of teachers on the web, but the most important lessons in life can only be learned through the medium of personal relationships. Connect with authentic people, not with strangers who care little about your wellbeing. You don’t need hundreds of friends online; you just need a few friends who love you and who want the best for you. Your ability to give something your attention is sacred energy allotted to you by God, don't waste it by casting it before swine. It is far more important to be a profound and positive influence in the lives of your family and close friends than to be a “social media” influencer to thousands.
Continue to engage in political discussions but do so in a place where you are not censored or repressed. Big Tech companies make money off your usages of their platforms. Don’t support their wickedness just because it is convenient.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Grateful To Be In Healthcare

When he (the Lord) shall appear, the saints will be like him; and if they are not holy, as he is holy, and perfect, as he is perfect, they cannot be like him; for no being can enjoy his glory without possessing his perfections and holiness, no more than they could reign in his kingdom without his power.”

(Lectures on Faith 7:10)

When He appears, you need to be like Him. Lay down the burden of guilt, lay down the burden of sin, stop focusing on that stuff, and become like Him. You become like Him by doing His works. And you do His works by serving other; by ministering to the needs of others. When you do that, it is a natural by-product of that process, ordained by laws established before the foundation of the world that light and truth will grow within you. You will have compassion when you minister to the needs of others with compassion. Your heart will open too and receive within it light and truth, when your conduct reflects the same conduct as a merciful, holy and just God, whom you claim to worship. Worship Him by imitating Him. Worship Him by doing His works. Worship Him by making a living sacrifice. Set aside the junk that occupies you and go do something that is holy for someone else.  However mundane and trivial it may seem to you, when you relieve the suffering of other people something changes in you. You become different. You become better. You become more like our Lord, because when you give whatever it is you give away, you get more in return. But make sure that what you give goes to relieve the suffering of others.

(40 Years in Mormonism talk 3, Repentance



I left engineering school in 2018 and have been working in healthcare ever since.  Working in an industry where I am constantly helping to relieve the suffering of others has made me a much different person.  Grateful to be a healthcare worker during these times- to be burdened and privileged to be part of a work that has broken and grown my heart.   

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Beloved Bridegroom, Spiritual Dynamite


I just finished this book my friend Parker gave me.  It is an easy yet beautiful read and full of many gems! Written by an LDS scholar.  I would highly suggest this to anyone who wants to learn more about the Messiah through ancient Jewish marriage and family customs. ]By better understanding the cultural context of marriage in Judaism my adoration for Christ the Bridegroom has deepened.  


For many years I have been seeking to better understand the Holy Ghost and Jesus Christ's roles as the first and second Comforters.  I found this insight from the book very enlightening.  

The Holy Spirit is the person through whom there comes to us the strength and grace of God to enable us to cope with life.  Certainly, part of this work is to comfort, but only part.  To call the Holy Spirit the Comforter, and to stop there, is to have a limited and rather sentimental view of the Spirit, whereas in the Greek the word is full of power and of the promise of the God-given ability to face and to master any situation in life. 

How then did this word Comforter get into the English translation of the Bible?  It came in with Wycliffe about 1386, and it has stayed ever since.  But in the days of Wycliffe it was a perfect translation.  The word “comfort” is derived from the Latin word “fortis”, which means “brave”, and orginally the word meant someone who puts courage into you.  Let us take two other examples of it in Wycliffe.  Wycliffe translates Ephesians 6:10 as “be ye comforted in the Lord.”  And he translates 1 Timothy 1:12, “I do thanksgiving to him who comforted me.”  In both cases the word in the Greek is “endunamoun”, whose root is “dunams”, power, from which the word dynamite comes.  In Wycliffe’s day to comfort a person was to fill that person with a power like spiritual dynamite.  The Holy Spirit does not simply come and wipe our tears away; he gives us a dynamic power to cope with life. 

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Sitting on the Fence


Analysis paralysis is not righteousness nor will it produce faith.

Below is an excerpt from a recent family email thread about news media sources. I feel it is fitting with some of what Peterson is writing.

"I naturally, and yes, intentionally seek news and news commentary and opinion from those who appear to share common morals, principles, and ideology as I have. I prefer to see the world through the lens that I believe God has given us. After all, society and nations are formed and built upon beliefs and ideology...so I choose to promote and perpetuate those that I feel best reflect the world that I believe God intends and that I want my posterity to inherit. I am frustrated with a society that believes that all sides are valid and worth considering. Trying to teach my children that there is true evil and wrong in this world is very difficult in a world that teaches them that different isn't wrong, it is just...different. God did not come to the world to unite us all in love and harmony. Agency will not allow that. He will come again to separate the wheat from the chaff. God's plan necessarily divides his children. So I would add that while we must think clearly, it is dangerously easy to let intellect and our ability to think rationally force us into analysis paralysis, or to feel false confidence and security as we sit on the fence endlessly rationalizing and debating all sides of an issue instead of choosing a side and taking a stand. Some issues are so repulsive and full of the stench of evil that no debate or consideration is neceasary. Having firm, God-given principles and standards and morals allows us to spot and quickly dismiss so much of the evil and corruption and lies and falsehoods that we would otherwise spend hours ponering and debating and rationalizing - especially when we seek the guidance and renewal of the of the spirit through prayer and sacrament and righteous living, always with compassion and charity and forgiveness. As I see it, there are only two sides. I do not believe that what we are experiencing now as a nation is foreshadowing some distant, future evil and downfall. We are as much in the thick of it as any nation in the Book of Mormon ever was. I believe that the battle lines have been clearly drawn and that it is obvious to those willing and courageous enough to see it. Where do we stand? What do we stand for? Who among our leaders and what among our laws and policies and ideologies support our stand?

Blantant, oppressive, evil censorship in the media is real...and it is happening on ALL media sites and platforms.

All the conservative sites that were reporting the Dominion software issues have been forced to redact and correct clarify their reporting on Dominion..not because it isn't true or worth investigating or reporting, but because they can't afford the impending lawsuits from Dominion and those in the opposition that fund them. That is censorship

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Divided Nation

The first chapter in the book of Helaman is a very interesting read.  It begins with the Nephites in the land of Zarahemla holding an election that caused great division among the people and a power struggle between two candidates (Pahoran and Paanchi) for the highest office of the land.  It ends with a foreign attack from the Lamanites- seizing the capital city and possessing many cities and strongholds, resulting in a great slaughter of both men, women, and children. (Helaman 1:27) The Nephites were able to save their nation at the leadership of Moroni, but not without an exceedingly bloody battle. (Helaman 1:30)

How could this have happened to such a great nation?  

And it came to pass that because of so much contention and so much difficulty in the government, that they had not kept sufficient guards in the land of Zarahemla; for they had supposed that the Lamanites durst not come into the heart of their lands to attack that great city Zarahemla.

(Helaman 1:18)

Are there any foreign powers that would benefit from so much contention and so much difficulty in our American government?